Weekly Horoscope Prediction by Online Astrologer
Horoscope is known as Kundali in and is regarded as the cornerstone of Vedic Astrology. It depends on the old sacred text called the "Brihat Parashara Horasastra" composed by Sage Parashara several thousand years ago. Parashara is viewed as the Father of Astrology. It is a concept that hangs around the moments of planets, their position, and placement in a person's Birth Chart at the time of one's birth. On the basis of this people consult Free Horoscope Prediction by Online Astrologer . In short, it is the pictorial representation of planets at the time of a person's birth. Usually, Astrologers use Janam Kundali (horoscope made at the time of the native's birth) or Prashna Kundali (horoscope made in view of the time of query) as the premise of his/her expectation for the subjects of life and future. The horoscope or Kundali is the basic pillar of Astrology meant for precise Astrological predictions and enhancement for future decisions. In the present er...